August 2019


 There are approximately 5500 people living in Beacon Hill. Only about 1% of them are actively involved with the Neighborhood Association.

Think about that the next time someone asks, "Why can't we (as a neighborhood) have such-and-such program or amenity?" It's because finding people willing to volunteer is like pulling teeth.

 Those volunteering now are organizing and staffing social events. Acting as liaisons with city officials. Trapping and neutering feral cats. Scanning stray dogs. Keeping watch over zoning and land use. Representing the neighborhood in development of our park. Tending the neighborhood garden. Collecting and delivering supplies to school kids and needy families. Composing, printing, and delivering a newsletter to every household each month. Planning and attending meetings to further neighborhood affairs. Fundraising to support events. Fielding questions from residents. Supporting and promoting neighborhood businesses.

 That's with 1%. Fifty-some people. Imagine how much 100 people could do.

 Because that is definitely not the full list of things we'd like to see the Association doing. We would like to have a regular program of helping people with repairs to their homes. We would like to have a lot more social events: movie nights, picnics, brunches, block parties, etc. We would like to have a network that would regularly check on elderly residents to see if they need any help, such as a ride to the store or some yardwork. We would like to have a neighborhood watch program and a liaison with law enforcement.

 I'll bet you can think of other things that would be good additions to that list. They could all happen... but only if you take part and make them happen. I see lots of folks complaining about the state of the neighborhood on the BH Facebook page. If they are actually concerned about a perceived problem, they need to get to work. Start making the neighborhood you want, instead of just carping about the one you have.

- Daniel Hubbeling