
We would love to have you join a committee if you are interested. Please reach out to the chair of the committee you would like to join, so they can give you more information. If you have an idea for a new committee, we encourage you to start one by contacting the BHANA board.


Community Garden

The Beacon Hill Community Garden began in 2008 with a grant from Green Spaces Alliance. With the help of dedicated volunteers, garden beds were built from recycled concrete, soil was brought in, and an herb garden, butterfly garden, vegetable beds, cactus garden and native grasses were planted. Besides providing beautification for the neighborhood, the garden has become a setting for education, recreation, social gatherings, and gives those who work and walk through it a sense of connection to the environment. The committee organizes monthly workdays and other garden events. Free plots are available.

Sheryl McAnally, Garden Steward –
Kris Spilker, Education Coordinator – (773) 791-8113,


Heart of the Neighborhood

The Heart of the Neighborhood committee finds ways to bring neighbors together and to raise funds to support social gatherings throughout the year. Highlights are National Night Out in October and the Holiday Party in December. Meetings are announced in the newsletter and at General Meetings.

Elizabeth Eichhorn – (626) 318-5388,


Benevolent Fund

The mission of the BF is to reach out and provide a means of success for the children and youth of our community through the giving of school supplies, toys, and treats at the National Night-out Program; provide meals to needy families at Thanksgiving and Christmas; hold Easter Egg hunts; and other activities as funds and donations are available. Parents and community members are encouraged to participate and volunteer at these activities.

Diana & Robert Flores – 210) 488-0400,


Zoning and Urban Design

The purpose of ZUD is to promote and protect the Neighborhood Conservation District (NCD) zoning overlay and the Midtown Plan, both of which are community-based plans, the results of years of consensus-building through community meetings. They follow a specific and transparent process in making recommendations to the community. They are also a resource for people who plan to remodel or build - meet with ZUD first, to help navigate the process. Anyone from Beacon Hill is encouraged to join the committee. Meetings are held monthly and are announced in the newsletter and at General Meetings.

Daniel Hubbeling – (210) 287-9025,

Additional info about ZUD and neighborhood zoning issues can be found here.


Animal Care

The Animal Care Committee’s mission is to provide information and education about community and City resources and to educate about responsible pet ownership. We own a microchip scanner to help those who find lost animals to reunite them with their owners, and also maintain a “lending library” of equipment such as humane cat traps and pet carriers/kennels.

Kim Hubbeling – (210) 724-7304